Spearmint is believed to be the oldest plant of the Mint family and has been used traditionally for its digestive benefits.
Spearmint Essential Oil is multi-purpose and it continues to be used to soothe ailments such as skin problems, headaches, nausea, vomiting, respiratory issues, and cold symptoms.
Having originated in the Mediterranean region, Spearmint was widely used in Greece as an aphrodisiac. It was also used to scent bath water, treat sexually transmitted diseases, clear the voice, and cure hiccups.
Pregnant women are advised to refrain from using Spearmint Oil, as its emmenagogue properties may cause miscarriage.
The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy. All cautions listed for individual oils do not include those cautions from ingestion.
Spearmint - 100% Pure + Natural (10ml)
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Once the botanicals are opened it is not our policy to ask you to return them since we are unable to re-issue them and shipping is expensive.. We ask that you perhaps find a friend or family member that would enjoy that particular scent.
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